H+H Engineering & Service GmbH is a privately-owned leading manufacturer of exhaust gas and exhaust air purification technology located in Sonnefeld in Germany. Company goal is to make an important contribution to reducing potential risks for human health and for the environment. H+H focus here is specifically the limitation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. One of their core branches of their SCR systems are maritime applications in the sectors cruise, offshore, research, cargo, fishing and fish farming.
SCR Emission Control Systems
In their further business unit service, they differ significantly from other SCR providers. H+H scope of services extends to the delivery of the new SCR system: They carry out maintenance and service with their own highly skilled colleagues and additionally with their highly specialized partners. With H+H SCR based emission control systems they keep their promise to act as pioneers in the SCR technology. H+H core competences include the catalyst design, development, PLC programming, commissioning as well as service and maintenance. They support their customers to choose the best way to protect the environment by implementing an optimal concept for reducing NOx emissions. Especially their flexibility and the variable, small catalyst sizing as well as their experience in servicing more than 750 SCR systems worldwide are among H+H particular strengths.